Monday, May 3, 2010

BLIST Metro Planning Project - Part I

(This was "transposed" from a powerpoint presentation obtained from NEDA-CAR. Part I is the original BLIST and the Lessons Learned; Part II is the expanded (and udpated BLISTT). I ackowledge receipt of this public document from NEDA-CAR. I understand that the person in charge is Dolly Molintas)

BLIST: An Urban Planning Project for Baguio City and adjacent neighboring municipalities of La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan and Tuba funded by the European Union Implementing Agency: NEDA-CAR (1993 – 1994)

I. Background
II. Planning Considerations
III. Development Options
IV. Preferred Option ( Structure Plan)
V. Highlights of the Structure Plan
VI. Institutional Mechanism
VII. Planning Process Utilized
VIII. Lessons Learned

I. Background
A. The BLIST Urban Planning Project: 1992-1994
• An urban studies project funded by the EU
• Part of the Earthquake Rehabilitation Programme (ERP) of the EU in response to the 1990 EQ
• Project coverage: Baguio, La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan and Tuba
• Document contains 5 volumes: A) Hazards; B) Planning Studies; C) Socio-Economic Aspects;
D) Technical Studies; and E) Implementation and Finance
• Implementing agency: NEDA-CAR

B. Main Volume: Executive Summary
[A.] Hazards
[B.] Planning Studies
[C.] Socio-Economic Aspects
[D.] Technical Studies
[E.] Implementation & Finance
[F.] Maps (1:10,000 Scale)
[G.] Supplementary Papers

II. Planning Considerations

A. Why Urban Planning?
• To manage the city, to avoid, or alleviate, common urban problems such as inner city decay, overcrowding, traffic and other forms of congestion.
• To undertake the following:
– design the urban environment,
– control/ direct use of land,
– lay out transportation & communication networks
– protect and enhance natural environment
• For the purpose of promoting an efficient aesthetically pleasing urban environment.

B. General City/Urban Planning considerations
• Ease in circulation
• Economic growth
• Protection of environment
• Enhancement of cultural milieu/character of the city

C. Why Urban Planning for BLIST?
• Urban Sprawl spilling to neighboring adjacent municipalities.
• Congestion in the inner city.

D. Specific BLIST Planning Considerations
• Reconstruction from the 1990 earthquake
• Urban renewal / Improvement of built environment
• Restoration of its character as “wooded mountain retreat”
Improvement of accessibility particularly in city center
• Planning for earthquake resistant buildings, emergency alternative routes
• Decongestion
• Addressing housing shortage

III. Development Options for BLIST
• Deliberate with maximum government intervention.
• Market Driven

IV. Preferred Option: BLIST Structure Plan
 Framework for the physical development of the BLIST Area
 Provides broad guidelines for controlling developments
 Provides corresponding policies for key issues affecting the area

V. Highlights of BLIST Structure Plan:

A.Urban concerns
 Decongestion
• Baguio City is the major growth center with four (4) other growth nodes namely, La Trinidad, Tuba, Irisan and Loakan
• Increasing the presence of industry, education, housing in LIST areas
 Ease of circulation
• Construction of Western Link Road to connect La Trinidad with Marcos Highway
 Enhancement of environment
• Provides system of parks and open spaces for recreation.

B. Roles of Baguio, La Trinidad (“ divergent roles”) and Other Growth Nodes
 Baguio City - service center
• recreation area providing cool forested natural environment
 La Trinidad - agro-industrial center
• commercial center
• vegetable trading center
 Irisan,Tuba and Loakan
• New conglomeration of residential houses with low scale commercial facilities
• Possible site of satellite campuses/ colleges & other ICT related economic activities

C. Road Network Proposals
 1994-2000: Halsema Hihgway-Nauguilian Road ( Western Link Road)
 2000-2010: Naguilian Road to Marcos Highway via Asin Road ( South Eastern Ring Road)
 2010-2020: Marcos Highway to Kennon Road ( South Eastern Ring Road)

D. Population Policies
 Low population growth scenario for BLIST Area
• Limited carrying capacity
• Fragile environment
• Limited water supply
 Thus, large population increases are undesirable and should be discouraged

E. Heritage Proposals
 Preservation of existing old buildings with historical significance in the city; examples:
• City Hall
• Baguio Cathedral
• Recolletos Building
• Old Houses near City Hall

F. Housing Proposals
 Major new residential expansion areas in La Trinidad, Loakan, Tuba and Irisan
 Densification in existing residential areas
 Upgrading and improvement of other existing areas
 Urban renewal for blighted areas

G. Economy
 Pollution and/or High Water Usage Industries will be discouraged.
 High value/ low volume industries are encouraged
 Appropriate industries are those that promote:
* Tourism
• Services ( education, finance etc)
• Technology based industries)
• Support other local employment (e.g. handicrafts for tourism)

H. Tourism Policies
 Preserve Baguio’s image as relaxing cool forested mountainous retreat area
 Stress on eco tourism, outdoor, recreational activities and natural attractions
 Develop other eco tourism attractions outside Baguio City
 Tourism development should be limited in scale and scope, and harmonizes with the environment.

I. Environment

 Provision of special landscaped urban trails in Baguio ( separate from traffic and form a natural extension of Burnham Park)
 Improvement of Built Improvement accompanied by Comprehensive Landscape Proposals
 Landscaping of Session and Harisson Roads
 Establishment of Community Parks and Upgrading of Existing Parks ( Botanical Garden & Burnham Park)

J. Major Proposals (for Burnham Park)
 Removal of Traffic
 Decreasing Road Widths
 Enhancing Main Axis
 Water Fountain at Burnham Lake

K. Priority Projects
 Western Link Road
 BLIST Water Resources Study
 Water District Distribution and Leakage Study
 Drainage and Flooding Study/ Flood Mitigation and Drainage Works
 Establishment of Land Delivery Unit for Low Cost Housing

VI. Institutional Mechanism

A. Institutional Proposal
 Creation of a BLIST Consultative Forum to discuss common issues,
 Agreements in the Forum will be implemented by the LGU concern
 Creation of other institutions:
• BLIST Water Board
• Investment Agency
• Land Delivery Unit

B. BLIST Coordinating Forum (BCF)/ Council
 Members are mayors, representative of the provincial govt of Benguet, other relevant RLAs.
 Aims to discuss resolve specific BLIST wide issues ( water supply, tourism, solid waste)
 Have limited specific powers depending on agreement of BCF.
 Chairmanship rotated among mayors.
 LGUs contribute funding for the Forum and for technical secretariat.

VII. BLIST Planning Structure

(Note to be attached)

VIII. Lessons Learned ( Why BLIST Master Plan was not fully implemented)

A. Weakness of the Structure
 No legal basis, not binding
 No funding
 No distinctively identified secretariat and head of the BLIST Forum/ Council
• Governing structure weak
• Absence of a champion LGU / RLA to push it
• Absence of financial resources
• Lack of clear support from LIST Municipalities as benefits to be derived not clear

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