BLIST: An Urban Planning Project for Baguio City and adjacent neighboring municipalities of La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan and Tuba funded by the European Union Implementing Agency: NEDA-CAR (1993 – 1994)
I. Background
II. Planning Considerations
III. Development Options
IV. Preferred Option ( Structure Plan)
V. Highlights of the Structure Plan
VI. Institutional Mechanism
VII. Planning Process Utilized
VIII. Lessons Learned
I. Background
A. The BLIST Urban Planning Project: 1992-1994
• An urban studies project funded by the EU
• Part of the Earthquake Rehabilitation Programme (ERP) of the EU in response to the 1990 EQ
• Project coverage: Baguio, La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan and Tuba
• Document contains 5 volumes: A) Hazards; B) Planning Studies; C) Socio-Economic Aspects;
• Implementing agency: NEDA-CAR
B. Main Volume: Executive Summary
[A.] Hazards
[B.] Planning Studies
[C.] Socio-Economic Aspects
[D.] Technical Studies
[E.] Implementation & Finance
[F.] Maps (1:10,000 Scale)
[G.] Supplementary Papers
II. Planning Considerations
A. Why Urban Planning?
• To manage the city, to avoid, or alleviate, common urban problems such as inner city decay, overcrowding, traffic and other forms of congestion.
• To undertake the following:
– design the urban environment,
– control/ direct use of land,
– lay out transportation & communication networks
– protect and enhance natural environment
• For the purpose of promoting an efficient aesthetically pleasing urban environment.
B. General City/Urban Planning considerations
• Ease in circulation
• Economic growth
• Protection of environment
• Enhancement of cultural milieu/character of the city
C. Why Urban Planning for BLIST?
• Urban Sprawl spilling to neighboring adjacent municipalities.
• Congestion in the inner city.
D. Specific BLIST Planning Considerations
• Reconstruction from the 1990 earthquake
• Urban renewal / Improvement of built environment
• Restoration of its character as “wooded mountain retreat”
Improvement of accessibility particularly in city center
• Planning for earthquake resistant buildings, emergency alternative routes
• Decongestion
• Addressing housing shortage
III. Development Options for BLIST
• Deliberate with maximum government intervention.
• Market Driven
IV. Preferred Option: BLIST Structure Plan
Framework for the physical development of the BLIST Area
Provides broad guidelines for controlling developments
Provides corresponding policies for key issues affecting the area
V. Highlights of BLIST Structure Plan:
A.Urban concerns
• Baguio City is the major growth center with four (4) other growth nodes namely, La Trinidad, Tuba, Irisan and Loakan
• Increasing the presence of industry, education, housing in LIST areas
Ease of circulation
• Construction of Western Link Road to connect La Trinidad with Marcos Highway
Enhancement of environment
• Provides system of parks and open spaces for recreation.
B. Roles of Baguio, La Trinidad (“ divergent roles”) and Other Growth Nodes
Baguio City - service center
• recreation area providing cool forested natural environment
La Trinidad - agro-industrial center
• commercial center
• vegetable trading center
Irisan,Tuba and Loakan
• New conglomeration of residential houses with low scale commercial facilities
• Possible site of satellite campuses/ colleges & other ICT related economic activities
C. Road Network Proposals
1994-2000: Halsema Hihgway-Nauguilian Road ( Western Link Road)
2000-2010: Naguilian Road to Marcos Highway via Asin Road ( South Eastern Ring Road)
2010-2020: Marcos Highway to Kennon Road ( South Eastern Ring Road)
D. Population Policies
Low population growth scenario for BLIST Area
• Limited carrying capacity
• Fragile environment
• Limited water supply
Thus, large population increases are undesirable and should be discouraged
E. Heritage Proposals
Preservation of existing old buildings with historical significance in the city; examples:
• City Hall
• Baguio Cathedral
• Recolletos Building
• Old Houses near City Hall
F. Housing Proposals
Major new residential expansion areas in La Trinidad, Loakan, Tuba and Irisan
Densification in existing residential areas
Upgrading and improvement of other existing areas
Urban renewal for blighted areas
G. Economy
Pollution and/or High Water Usage Industries will be discouraged.
High value/ low volume industries are encouraged
Appropriate industries are those that promote:
* Tourism
• Services ( education, finance etc)
• Technology based industries)
• Support other local employment (e.g. handicrafts for tourism)
H. Tourism Policies
Preserve Baguio’s image as relaxing cool forested mountainous retreat area
Stress on eco tourism, outdoor, recreational activities and natural attractions
Develop other eco tourism attractions outside Baguio City
Tourism development should be limited in scale and scope, and harmonizes with the environment.
I. Environment
Provision of special landscaped urban trails in Baguio ( separate from traffic and form a natural extension of Burnham Park)
Improvement of Built Improvement accompanied by Comprehensive Landscape Proposals
Landscaping of Session and Harisson Roads
Establishment of Community Parks and Upgrading of Existing Parks ( Botanical Garden & Burnham Park)
J. Major Proposals (for Burnham Park)
Removal of Traffic
Decreasing Road Widths
Enhancing Main Axis
Water Fountain at Burnham Lake
K. Priority Projects
Western Link Road
BLIST Water Resources Study
Water District Distribution and Leakage Study
Drainage and Flooding Study/ Flood Mitigation and Drainage Works
Establishment of Land Delivery Unit for Low Cost Housing
VI. Institutional Mechanism
A. Institutional Proposal
Creation of a BLIST Consultative Forum to discuss common issues,
Agreements in the Forum will be implemented by the LGU concern
Creation of other institutions:
• BLIST Water Board
• Investment Agency
• Land Delivery Unit
B. BLIST Coordinating Forum (BCF)/ Council
Members are mayors, representative of the provincial govt of Benguet, other relevant RLAs.
Aims to discuss resolve specific BLIST wide issues ( water supply, tourism, solid waste)
Have limited specific powers depending on agreement of BCF.
Chairmanship rotated among mayors.
LGUs contribute funding for the Forum and for technical secretariat.
VII. BLIST Planning Structure
(Note to be attached)
VIII. Lessons Learned ( Why BLIST Master Plan was not fully implemented)
A. Weakness of the Structure
No legal basis, not binding
No funding
No distinctively identified secretariat and head of the BLIST Forum/ Council
• Governing structure weak
• Absence of a champion LGU / RLA to push it
• Absence of financial resources
• Lack of clear support from LIST Municipalities as benefits to be derived not clear
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